Grease Extraction System Cleaning

Kitchen extraction

Accumulation of grease deposits in grease extraction systems present a significant fire hazard. No matter how efficient the extraction system or your regular filter cleaning programme this build up of grease is inevitable.

Apart from the fire risk, the accumulation of grease in the extraction system reduces ventilation efficiency resulting in overheating, excessive humidity and a continuing source of unwanted odours which can permeate the building

Our comprehensive extraction system cleaning eliminates the fire risk and provides a clean healthy working environment.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that a risk assessment of the extraction system must be undertaken and the results must be acted upon to eliminate or minimise the risk of fire. Should the Responsible Person have failed to carry out fire risk assessments or take appropriate action to protect the safety of the building, and a fire causes injury or death, they may be liable to criminal prosecution.

Our extraction system cleaning practices comply with HVCA TR19 Standards as set out in their Guide to Good Practice.

We are increasingly dealing with companies whose insurance company requires evidence that a fire risk assessment has been carried out on the grease extraction system and that a professional contractor has cleaned the grease extraction system.

Our deep cleaning certificate is acceptable to Environmental Health Officers and Insurance Companies. We additionally provide photographic evidence.

The Guide to Good Practice requires that access hatches should be installed at regular intervals in the duct work so that the interior can be cleaned. The access hatches comprise a metal panel with rubber gaskets, many older systems do not have access hatches.

Our service includes the installation of access hatches to ensure total system cleaning.

The HVCA recommendations with regard to cleaning frequency are as follows

Light use: 2-6 hours per day – Annually

Moderate use: 6-12 hours per day – Bi-annually

Heavy user: Over 12 hours per day – Quarterly

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